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We're the experts on antioxidants

Prescription Drugs
Healthy Food
Colorful Food
Green Goodness

WITH THE jury still out on antioxidants in food and beverages – some offering apparent health benefits while others are thought to pose risks – manufacturers, growers and suppliers around the world need accurate and detailed information about the antioxidant capacity of their products and raw ingredients.

Whether you need to promote or defend your products in terms of their antioxidant capacity, we at KSL have extensive experience of measuring it in many different types of food and beverages including fresh fruit and vegetables, and processed foods including smoothies, juices, chocolate, coffee, tea and wine. 

Using our range of unique ABEL antioxidant tests, we can help you quantify antioxidant or pro-oxidant activity of foods; compare crops produced under different growing conditions and by different agricultural processes, such as organic and non-organic; and compare the different parts of the plants, such as root vs leaf, and of course, how long they have been in transit or waiting to be bought. 

Food processors and manufacturers rely on us to help them monitor the effects of food preparation, cooking and storage conditions on the antioxidant capacity of their products as antioxidant activity is a measure of stability. And stability can be used to determine the shelf life of a product.

Our tests are also used to optimise formulations as well as to monitor batch-to-batch uniformity and the effects of manufacturing.
If you’re in the wine industry, we can help you compare wines of different vintages, from different producers and growing regions, and those produced by different agricultural processes including organic and biodynamic, as well as predicting shelf-life.

We can do the testing for you at our laboratories in Plymouth, or we can provide our accurate ABEL test kits for use on tube or microplate luminometers. We can also sell or hire to you our portable luminometer, the ABELmeter so that you can to do the tests yourself on site, whichever is more convenient for you.

So if you’d like to know how we can help you, give us a call now on 01752 565676 or e-mail us at

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